Our latest blog posts



13th October 2021 | Christmas

Since emerging from lockdown workers up and down the country are starting to gear up for the annual Christmas party. Understandably some will be skeptical regarding COVID protocol, but venues are working very hard to ensure they provide a safe environment for party goers for the 2021 Christmas season Whether you love them or hate them, here are some tips to ensure you have the best time at celebrating the festive season with your work colleagues. (more…)

Five things to consider when you receive a counter offer…

16th June 2021 | Career AdviceJob Hunting

So, you’ve handed in your notice and you’re ready to leave your job… But just as you’re about to clear your desk – your boss offers you a surprisingly lucrative counter offer. And whether it’s more money, more responsibility or a promotion, deciding whether to accept or reject a counter offer is never an easy choice. To help you decide whether to stay or go, here are five things to consider when you receive a counter offer: (more…)

Interview Preparation – You can never be too prepared !

20th May 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivationalRecruiting

Preparing for an interview A job interview can be a daunting experience whether on the phone, digital or face to face. No matter how confident you feel you are it is easy to crumble under pressure. Nerves can get the better of you, and instead of bringing your A-game you become a blabbering wreck. Never fear though, providing you are well prepared you will have nothing to worry about.  Over the years, we have built up the knowledge to help you and we have pulled out the best bits to help...


7th May 2021 | Job Market ReportsUncategorized

Each month we receive the most up-to-date source of monthly UK labour market report with data and analysis. The Report on Jobs is a monthly publication produced by Markit and sponsored by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation. The report features original survey data which provide the most up-to-date monthly picture of recruitment, employment, staff availability and employee earnings trends available. Key points from the May survey: Permanent placement growth hits...

We’re nearly free!!

29th April 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivationalRecruiting

We are nearly free!!  If, like us, you are counting down the days (cautiously of course) to a new normal then now is the time to start making positive changes and here at YourRecruit Group, we are here to help you with just that!   Over the past few months, as things balance on the edge of “normal” we have been looking at how the recruitment journey has been going.  A tough question to be fair!  Yes, it has been hard, but this is from the perspective of the Recruiter, the...

Its time to Spring clean your career!

3rd March 2021 | Career AdviceInterview TipsJob Hunting

As we are fast approaching sunnier times, now is the time to have a Spring clean of your Career! We know that changing job at any time can be extremely daunting, let alone in the middle of a Worldwide Pandemic. This is why, here at YourRecruit, we work tirelessly alongside you to ensure a hands-on approach through out to enhance your recruitment experience in whatever way we can. (more…)

We made it through January!

3rd February 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivationalYourRecruit

We made it through January!  Quite frankly, we should all give ourselves a pat on the back for this – I know January’s are long, but really had no idea there were 248 days in January 2021.  However, we are now fully into February, the short month (pay day comes around quicker!) the month of love, the month of breaking New Year’s resolutions completely. (more…)

Happy New Year??

21st January 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingLockdownRecruitingYourRecruit

I wonder how everyone is feeling about starting a New Year in full Lockdown again.  Roll back to the 23rd March last year, we were just hearing about the word Lockdown and I think most of us were terrified.  Everything literally stopped overnight, staff prepared to work from home if their company still had any work to do, and thousands of us were put on Furlough Leave (a word I had never heard of). (more…)

2020 has been rubbish; I’m sure we can all agree on this!

4th December 2020 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivational

2020 has been rubbish; I’m sure we can all agree on this!  Pull up a chair, pour yourself a coffee (or tea) and let’s chat about how we can make 2021 better! Let’s put all the fears behind us when it comes to moving on – we all have to take the leap at some stage so why not now.  Yes, there will be challenges but I’m sure we can overcome them together. (more…)