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Interview Preparation – You can never be too prepared !

20th May 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivationalRecruiting

Preparing for an interview A job interview can be a daunting experience whether on the phone, digital or face to face. No matter how confident you feel you are it is easy to crumble under pressure. Nerves can get the better of you, and instead of bringing your A-game you become a blabbering wreck. Never fear though, providing you are well prepared you will have nothing to worry about.  Over the years, we have built up the knowledge to help you and we have pulled out the best bits to help...

We’re nearly free!!

29th April 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivationalRecruiting

We are nearly free!!  If, like us, you are counting down the days (cautiously of course) to a new normal then now is the time to start making positive changes and here at YourRecruit Group, we are here to help you with just that!   Over the past few months, as things balance on the edge of “normal” we have been looking at how the recruitment journey has been going.  A tough question to be fair!  Yes, it has been hard, but this is from the perspective of the Recruiter, the...

Happy New Year??

21st January 2021 | Career AdviceJob HuntingLockdownRecruitingYourRecruit

I wonder how everyone is feeling about starting a New Year in full Lockdown again.  Roll back to the 23rd March last year, we were just hearing about the word Lockdown and I think most of us were terrified.  Everything literally stopped overnight, staff prepared to work from home if their company still had any work to do, and thousands of us were put on Furlough Leave (a word I had never heard of). (more…)

Our recruitment team at YourRecruit Group can make a difference to your hiring process in this challenging market

7th October 2020 | RecruitingYourRecruit

Did you know that in July there were 9.5 million staff who remained on Furlough with approximately 1.2 million employers taking part in the scheme? With November on the horizon and the Furlough scheme ending in October, we expect to see the unemployment rate rise to over 13%. All that said, we are seeing positivity in the marketplace with activity in many sectors and an enormous rise in job postings.   How can our Consultants make a difference to you? With more people...

5 Steps to choosing the right Recruitment Agency

28th August 2020 | Career AdviceDigital interviewsJob HuntingMotivationalRecruitingZoom interviews

Let’s face it, there are loads of recruitment agencies to choose from, 39,232 registered as trading in the UK to be precise. So how on earth do you choose the one you want to represent your company or your job search? Get it wrong and you will certainly regret it. Get it right and you will save time and money as a client and you will have more choices for job opportunities as a candidate. So how on earth do you go about shortlisting agencies and make the final choice?...

Lockdown and beyond…….

16th June 2020 | Career AdviceCorona VirusCovid-19Job HuntingLockdownRecruiting

The last few months have been surreal for all sorts of reasons and at the start of March we watched many of our clients start to get itchy feet, put jobs on hold and cancel temporary bookings due to a virus we knew was coming our way but knew very little about. We sensed we would be in for a rough ride, just like 7 out of 10 businesses who had to take the difficult decision to Furlough their staff. All of our Consultants say that recruitment is in their blood and they love their...

How will the CORONAVIRUS affect your job search and how to overcome it to find your dream Employer

22nd April 2020 | Career AdviceJob HuntingMotivationalNewsRecruitingYourRecruit

There are no two ways about it, the COVID-19 Pandemic will certainly slow your job search down, but in reality there is no reason to stop it completely.  Now is the time to invest your spare time into researching potential companies you're interested in and make a shortlist of those you feel you would like to work for.  Search for testimonials from employees who have worked at your shortlisted companies as these will give you an overall idea of just how they operate from the view of those...

Recruiting in a candidate driven market

3rd March 2020 | Job HuntingMotivationalRecruiting

  Are you finding recruiting top talent is a challenge? Are you finding that candidates are being snapped up before you can turn around? We are!  With the uncertainty of Brexit and a slightly unstable climate we have seen a real shift in the market with clients recruiting.  With this in mind, we wanted to provide some tips on how to secure the candidate you really want!   Dedicate your time to recruitment! Only too often do we take roles in at the end of a...