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Recruiting in a candidate driven market
3rd March 2020 | Job HuntingMotivationalRecruiting
Are you finding recruiting top talent is a challenge?
Are you finding that candidates are being snapped up before you can turn around?
We are! With the uncertainty of Brexit and a slightly unstable climate we have seen a real shift in the market with clients recruiting. With this in mind, we wanted to provide some tips on how to secure the candidate you really want!
Dedicate your time to recruitment!
Only too often do we take roles in at the end of a day. Recruitment, no matter how urgent the role, always seems to take a back seat. Something that can be sorted at the end of the day. As recruiters we would love a fresh new role to land on our desks and we are keen to work with you, the client! Ensure you have a smooth and streamlined process so we can get to work straight away – lets have timelines and stick to them.
Hiring Managers will brief us on a role, highlight the importance of the post and speed they need someone, however it is equally as important for us, the recruiters, to know if you are off on holiday for the next week or whether you are awaiting sign off for the role – these important points will equally support us with finding the right candidate for your business.
Review the CVs with an open mind
If you are receiving CV’s that don’t tick every single box, have an open conversation with the recruiter – it could be that we have seen something in that candidate that would work well and feel they are worth considering. Look to hire outside your immediate sector, or with a slightly “different” skill set. Whilst this, in the long run, may require some more training, it could pay dividends in team fit, skills and passion for the role. Don’t be afraid to challenge the recruiter.
Make your business stand out!
In a candidate driven market make your company stand out! Highlight the great benefits of the business – more often than not flexible working is more exciting than a great pension so, make sure everything is listed – even down to free fruit! You want candidates to be excited by the opportunity of working for you – you want candidates to apply, not just on the job content but company culture, benefits and direction.
Don’t hang about!
If you like a candidate’s CV book an interview – if you are busy for the next 48 hours, schedule a phone call – touch base and show you are interested.
Make time to schedule your interviews and outline the process so it is clear and concise. Candidates are interviewing you as much as you are interviewing them. The best candidates will more than likely be interviewing for a number of different roles and will lean toward the companies that are organised, efficient and make them feel wanted. Provide detailed feedback after each stage and do it quickly!
Secure your candidate.
If you like a candidate and feel they are the best suited to the role, make the offer and make it fast. Candidates are moving quickly at the moment so your offer must pack a punch! Financially, offer what they are looking for and outline any pay reviews or bonus breakdowns, so they are clear. Call the agency, be enthusiastic and if you can talk directly to the candidate then do!
Be transparent with candidates – it is about making the offer appealing and something that excites a candidate! Follow up the offer in writing and gain commitment from the candidate in terms of response.
With a quick and smooth process in place, recruitment doesn’t have to seem like such a chore, and you can have that ideal candidate working for you in no time! Let us work in partnership with you and make the process as streamlined as possible – As mentioned don’t delay, if you are looking to fill that spot within your team call us today on 01883 330336 to get the ball rolling!